Thursday, February 01, 2007

Updates of all mother of updates.

Last year my hard disk broke down. Along with it pictures of priceless memories. Don't you wish we have a pensieve to store all our thoughts just like the ones in Harry Potter? What i wanted to say is that i think my digitized hehe..nice word, digitized. photos of my class photo during primary school went to digital heaven together with the hard disk. Since last week there has been talks about a gathering. A gathering that was of utmost importance. A gathering 10 years ago we dream of. A gathering 10 years ago seems laughable. Looking back it is laughable. Humorous.

Let us go back 10 years ago.
10 years ago that I was 12 years old.
10 years ago that seems like yesterday.
10 years ago that we seemed immature except for the gals maybe, they do hit puberty earlier than us guys.

10 years ago we were all in SRJK(C) Kwang Hwa, Sg. Nibong. Gathered in a class on the third storey of a three storeys high building in dark blue shorts and spanking white shirts nonetheless with white shoes and matching socks. The girls wore dark blue pinafores with white shirts and not to mention white shoes and matching socks. Those were the days where Power Rangers and Dragon Ball rules. Then there were 47 pupils. 47 different kids. 47 pupil who couldn't care less about the goings and doings of the world. All we were into is UPSR =P and having the time of our life. That was 10 years ago, sitting on a wooden chair. With worn out table. And a crazy ass damn strict but funny in a way for a class teacher, we called her Yang (her surname) Lao-Shi (teacher in mandarin).

10 years later today. Scattered across the globe. fucking globalization. Some of the ex classmates are in UK, KL, USA, Australia and other places that I do not know. And not to forget me, in Miri, of all places. 10 years later a gathering was planned and is hoping to be materialized cum February the 21st. Currently some of my friends that still keep in contact are trying to scurry about finding those long lost ex classmates. After all, we were once friends. 47 pupils were in the class of 6K. I doubt we can get all under one roof. At most, 20+. If we can achieve that, I think it would be wonderful. We are all 22 years old now. Some are working, some studying, and I bet some are still measuring the road. haha.

After a decade. We still look at each other and think. Hey, I fucking hate you back in school. Hah, that would be a laugh when we all meet. I guessed 10 years later today, we wont hate each other anymore. Or maybe we will, sort of a renewed hatred. hahaha. Oh well, that's life. Hate each other, love each other. That's why we should cherish the hatred and the love. It's not what you can get in the supermarket. fucking globalization. It's something fate drew us all together, hated or not.


Woon Rlei said...

wat an update... wat a long time...

SioW JM said...

no inspiration got some juices flowing in my brain. hahahaha...

Janice a.k.a Shuvan said...

hey pal, terrible sorry tht seems like for age din visit ya blog~~ will come often after this ^^ . Well, and i will try to write back (blogger's) as well. I just realized its been year ago i stop update my blogger's blog. *sigh* paise...

well, looking forward to u see during the gathering la.Take care.