Sunday, February 04, 2007

Living Life

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
I got to thinking yesterday. Trying to make sense of the purpose that I am supposed to figure out myself. About life. About death. About you. About me.
I was chatting with my crazy buddy GD. He is frustrated. hehe. Partly it's because he's not getting any. haha. And because he is just plain frustrated.
Chinese New Year is just around the corner. 22 years of Chinese New Year celebrations. Wow. I wonder what would the 'older' generation would be thinking, looking back at, say 50 years, of celebration.
Are you happy with your life?
Did things turn out the way you want it to be?
Did you regret not doing any of the stuff you wanted to do?
Did you concentrate on one particular event, and completely forget about the bigger picture?


yung . said...

nice passage :)

SioW JM said...

thanks ya.. hehe.. =P tdk tau malu..hahahaha

Janice a.k.a Shuvan said...

Q1.)Did things turn out the way you want it to be?
Ans: i din realize the result as i din expect what it should be before haha...except relationship.

Q2.)Did you regret not doing any of the stuff you wanted to do?
Ans: Well, things i cannot do it, i won regret, things i can do but i didn't do then i will feel regret.So far, i din regret (from the record that i can finished entire HK drama (20 episodes)in a day before the final papers , have to mention i din study at all before i watch.thts y until now i stil haven sleep yet. =.= )

Q3.)Did you concentrate on one particular event, and completely forget about the bigger picture?
Ans : Ya.. and the feeling was rally sucks.. when u realize and feel guilty (my situation).

Hey dude, how come u post question but u din post your own ans?? curious to see ya ans.

SioW JM said...

Did things turn out the way you want it to be?
- No. In fact, it went off course. What to do. Man proposes, God Disposes.

Did you regret not doing any of the stuff you wanted to do?
- Hell yeah...regret sial...but thinking turn out ok la...still got time. Take it slowly.

Did you concentrate on one particular event, and completely forget about the bigger picture?
- Always. I'm that selfish. haha. Everybody is selfish.

Dun wanna write too much. Too many dark secrets meant for myself. =P

yung . said...

This looks like a tagging thing eh? I'll reply at my blog k..