Thursday, February 22, 2007

10 Years Anniversary

Once again. Watch This Space. In the process of selecting pictures. Will continually update the pictures till I syok! =P

Tease You All A Bit. Some looking left, some looking right. At least 4 cameras pointing at them. haha. Awesome!!

Organizer in the middle in green. Please don't comment on why there's no name. I don't know how to type the correct name. However, if you all know. Please comment on it. Thanks!!

Icicle Men. My former class monitors are in the pic. Guess who those two are. =P

Pretty Girls. Leng Luis. =P hehe.

Geniuses. Chef. And they took lotsa food which end up not being eaten. hahaha.

Another group photo. This time, all are looking at my camera. haahaha. I think. Smile!!

They just can't stop eating. Taking overly excessive food and not eating them. haha. Eat on..! haha

I'm still in the process of looking at the pictures. Not much pictures. I'd like to have a look at the other cameras' pictures.


Anonymous said...

hey how come I dun see u in the pix?

yung . said...

weii u say u wil update but it's the same since i visited the 1st time woh! busying open table izt?! :D HUAT AHH!

SioW JM said...

i dunno which one to put many...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

put all la :P

yung . said...

MIA again?

Chewwy said...

Check out this vid...darn farny :P

RacheL aL. said...

put all la........ =0(