Friday, January 05, 2007


NTBD so i play around with my shutter speed and aperture (i think that's what they call it). 4seconds exposure with f/2.8 and iso400 as well as a focal length of 8.0mm. What are those things? i dunno pun. =P
Same setting as above...just that this is all static eg not moving. And i shot it from my balcony using a tripod. Awesome! (i think) hehe.


yung . said...

yucks my camera can't adjust the shutter speed or anyting lor!!

sien sien sien !!


SioW JM said...

my camera quite old liao lor...i think during my secondary school time...:) what's ur model...sure can change wan ler...i'm looking at two cameras now...thinking of getting it...hehe.. dslr (nikon d40) ahahah..and a lomo cam...nice!!

yung . said...

ermm mine olympus u[mju]-410 i tink. reali can't find anyting to adjust the shutter speed wo..

SioW JM said...

yep..yung, ur's cannot change the setting....too bad...:) get a diff type ler...time to change!! hahahaha.. =P

yung . said...

i also wan lor.. looking for 1 with strong optical zoom, but CANOT AFFORD MAR !