Sunday, December 31, 2006

Storm Acoming...


yung . said...

there are so many pics, but no pics on u eh..

SioW JM said...

i'm the photographer i'm behind the camera... =P .. camera shy..haha.. tonite la...tonite sure got lotsa pics ... it's new year's eve!! party!!!

Chewwy said...

Looks scary eehhh..

take pics of urself la...

自拍。。。 hahahaa

Go where hiao tonight??

SioW JM said...

i dun 自拍。hahaha...the photos didnt come out nice...will try post it later....

yung . said...

night scene are always hard to be captured..

SioW JM said...

@ yung...yea lo...freakign hard ... always come out like shitty... :(