Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dim Sum ...

The guy making dim sum in Rope Walk aka Jln Pintal Tali.

So, I was walking back to the car with my frens from the shop when this guy happen to look up and my camera happened to be aiming at his angle. Voila. a nice shot, i think. hehe. And he is not posing or anything, just being him. It brings the colour and life out of the photo. I wanted to get a shot of another guy making cheong fun. but when I went back there, he was gone. Should've taken it earlier. =( owh well...some other time then...opportunity lost...


yung . said...

interesting.. u shud bring ur camera back to miri lar..

SioW JM said... la...later ppl steal..hahaha...see how la...

Woon Rlei said...

natural look... haha!!!