Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Anonymous Gasp....

Hahaha...That's for my brother. Happy Birdday!!! 31st October marks his birdday. yep. Halloween too. So gay.! Brotherly love..haha..

Yung, I think it's your birthday too!! Happy Birthday!

I was thinking of wat to write for today. It's 6am. I'm still awake from previous night, blame it on the coffee. It's Halloween and also my little brother's birthday, hey, my brother ok? not my noe.. Happy 18th Birthday!!! Stop sneaking out at night to go clubbing!!... I like coffee. Let's talk about coffee today. I'm no expert on coffee but I'll try my best describing coffee to you. It's a bean. Bunch them up, crush them, boil some water, pour it in, sieve it and there you go coffee. ha ha.. crude...The bloody connection is so slow, and the IP, once again, is identified as a common source of spam in LJ rendering me unable to comment.

That's a double shot by the way. I like double shot.

Anyway, back to coffee, when did I fall in love with coffee?? i was thinking around the age of 4 or 5?? haha.. I love the coffee my grandma brew, chinese style that is, very fragrant and kao-kao-kao... of course that time it's sweet, gradually I drank coffee sometimes without sugar... which is very very bitter and the primary cause for me to not sleep. Wat the fuck am i talking about???? Ahahahahahaha I have no clue... Anyway, my frens always commenting that I am drinking the same thing over and over again... Double Cappuccino..coupled with one teaspoon of raw sugar. Oh did i tell you i wont drink coffee with any other sugar besides raw sugar... it taste weird drinking with refined sugar... Kopitiam's coffee i'll drink with refined sugar, other than that raw sugar pls... yes, double cappuccino is always my cup of tea (pun intended), in this case coffee...hahaha.... I've tried others, Latte has too much milk in it, i don't like. Espresso is too small a cup with too big a price, moreover, cappuccino is made from espresso anyway. I used to like those ice blended thingy...not anymore just couldn't feel the coffee in it. I like it raw...where I can taste the full flavor of the coffee, the richness in the coffee... I've seen this show on travel and living... it's about coffee...i forgot the name, let's skip this part. haha. I can hear the garbage truck outside, it's 6.30am. You see, it took me 30minutes to write this post. What a bummer. There's so many things I want to write but i couldn't bring myself to write it here. Why do we need to live in a world of scrutiny and criticism when all I want to do is express my feelings and thoughts and anger and sadness and happiness and sexiness and wait a minute...hehe... open ur eyes and heart and brain at that... Everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes. Sometimes everything is wrong. Ah shit, I need a cuppa. It has dawned on me that this post is long. And if you were to read the whole thing thru and thru, i salute u for i read half way and i feel like deleting everything. But then again truth be told, there is no truth in everything we do.


yung . said...

thanks 1st for ur dedication..
i wonder why ur bro's dedication is bout barbies O.o lol

u c ther's so many striking thru those wrong sentences, u shudn't stay awake til so late u know..

SioW JM said...

hahaha...i'm using a new template..been wanting to change it completely to the new blogger it's done...some minor patches to change only..wat's ur opinion? ..

yung . said...

not bad.. i like the sidebar.. maybe i shud migrate to beta blogger :D